LONITEN- minoxidil tablet Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC
a minoxidil- minoxidil without the minoxidil.
There has been one report of minoxidil excretion in the breast milk of a woman treated with 5 mg oral minoxidil twice daily for hypertension. Because of the potential for adverse effects in nursing infants from minoxidil absorption, LONITEN should not be administered to a nursing woman.
The minoxidil and are contained.
Oral administration of minoxidil has been associated with evidence of increased fetal resorption in rabbits, but not rats, when administered at five times the maximum recommended oral antihypertensive human dose. There was no evidence of teratogenic effects in rats and rabbits. Subcutaneous administration of minoxidil to pregnant rats at 80 mg/kg/day was maternally toxic but not teratogenic. Higher subcutaneous doses produced evidence of developmental toxicity. There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women. LONITEN should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
平成13年に近畿大学医学部卒業。大阪医科大学医学部付属病院形成外科入局麻酔科を経て平成14年より神鋼病院形成外科勤務。平成15年大手美容外科勤務、平成17年大手美容外科形成外科部長植毛部門を経て、平成23年 大阪にAGA加藤クリニック開業。
In a study in which male and female rats received one or five times the maximum recommended human oral antihypertensive dose of minoxidil (multiples based on a 50 kg patient) there was a dose-dependent reduction in conception rate.
- 1000万語以上収録!英訳・英文・英単語の使い分けならWeblio英和・和英辞書.
Minoxidil was not mutagenic in the (Ames) test, the DNA damage alkaline elution assay, the rat hepatocyte unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay, the rat bone marrow micronucleus assay, or the mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay. An equivocal result was recorded in an cytogenetic assay using Chinese hamster cells at long exposure times, but a similar assay using human lymphocytes was negative.
minoxidilの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
minoxidilの意味や使い方 ミノキシジル - 約497万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
There was no evidence of epithelial hyperplasia or tumorigenesis at the sites of topical application of minoxidil in either species in the 2-year dermal carcinogenesis studies. No evidence of carcinogenicity was detected in rats or rabbits treated topically with minoxidil for one year. Topical minoxidil (2% and 5%) did not significantly (p
ミノキシジル外用発毛剤は、毛包を大きくして毛幹を太くし、ヘアサイクルの成長期を刺激・延長させて毛髪を長くし、その数を増やします。 作用
Crystal Structure of Minoxidil
In the two-year dermal study in rats there were significant increases in incidence of pheochromocytomas in males and females and preputial gland adenomas in males. Changes in incidence of neoplasms found to be increased in the dermal or oral carcinogenicity studies were typical of those expected in rodents treated with other hypotensive agents (adrenal pheochromocytomas in rats), treatment-related hormonal alterations (mammary carcinomas in female mice; preputial gland adenomas in male rats) or representative of normal variations within the range of historical incidence for rodent neoplasms (malignant lymphomas, liver nodules/adenomas in mice). Based on differences in absorption of minoxidil and mechanisms of tumorigenesis in these rodent species, none of these changes were considered to be relevant to the safety of patients treated topically with minoxidil for hair loss.
Translation of minoxidil into Japanese
Radioimmunoassay can be performed to determine the concentration of minoxidil in the blood. At the maximum adult dose of 100 mg/day, peak blood levels of 1641 ng/mL and 2441 ng/mL were observed in two patients, respectively. Due to patient-to-patient variation in blood levels, it is difficult to establish an overdosage warning level. In general, a substantial increase above 2000 ng/mL should be regarded as overdosage, unless the physician is aware that the patient has taken no more than the maximum dose.
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ミノキシジル(Minoxidil)は、血管拡張薬の一種。増毛 ..
The recommended initial dosage of LONITEN Tablets is 5 mg of minoxidil given as a single daily dose. Daily dosage can be increased to 10, 20 and then to 40 mg in single or divided doses if required for optimum blood pressure control. The effective dosage range is usually 10 to 40 mg per day. The maximum recommended dosage is 100 mg per day.
ミノキシジルには内服薬と外用薬があり、ミノキシジルが5%までの含有量の ..
ミノキシジルを5%配合し、小さなノズルヘッドが地肌に直接届きます。 力強い ..
The initial dosage is 0.2 mg/kg minoxidil as a single daily dose. The dosage may be increased in 50 to 100% increments until optimum blood pressure control is achieved. The effective dosage range is usually 0.25 to 1.0 mg/kg/day. The maximum recommended dosage is 50 mg daily (see under ).